this problem is solved by adding \setmainfont{Minion Pro} (you have to install Minion Pro as system font before). fontspec is automatically disabled for the math section if there is \usepackage{MinionPro}.
Search found 2 matches
- Thu May 14, 2009 7:15 pm
- Forum: Fonts & Character Sets
- Topic: Roman font doesn't change, conflict with fontspec?
- Replies: 1
- Views: 3071
- Thu May 14, 2009 11:56 am
- Forum: Fonts & Character Sets
- Topic: Roman font doesn't change, conflict with fontspec?
- Replies: 1
- Views: 3071
Roman font doesn't change, conflict with fontspec?
could anyone tell me why in this example, the "normal" font is not MinionPro?
\setsansfont{Myriad Pro}
The Cauchy integral formula...
\end ...
could anyone tell me why in this example, the "normal" font is not MinionPro?
\setsansfont{Myriad Pro}
The Cauchy integral formula...
\end ...