Search found 41 matches

by MatthiasN
Sat Apr 19, 2014 9:52 pm
Forum: Graphics, Figures & Tables
Topic: Rowcolor overlaps with vertical table lines
Replies: 0
Views: 5626

Rowcolor overlaps with vertical table lines

Hi everyone,

Currently, I am having trouble using the package colortbl for coloring my table rows. When using the command \rowcolor{colorname} , the result is that the vertical lines that frame my table are partially overlapped by the rowcolor. I browsed the web for solutions and found that many ...
by MatthiasN
Sun May 19, 2013 9:29 pm
Forum: Graphics, Figures & Tables
Topic: Scale chemfig figure
Replies: 3
Views: 14299

Re: Scale chemfig figure

Thanks, that works.
by MatthiasN
Sun May 19, 2013 3:35 pm
Forum: Graphics, Figures & Tables
Topic: Scale chemfig figure
Replies: 3
Views: 14299

Scale chemfig figure

Hi everyone,

In chemfig there is a possibility to scale your figure by one of the optional arguments:

\chemfig[][scale=x]{figure code}

However, when I apply this on a figure of DDT I made, the circles inside of the benzene rings do not rescale (figure attached). I used the following code ...
by MatthiasN
Sun Apr 14, 2013 10:06 pm
Forum: Graphics, Figures & Tables
Topic: Baseline of a chemical Structure
Replies: 4
Views: 7173

Baseline of a chemical Structure

I meant that it is not where subfig would expect it to be. That was the reason why my captions didn't align. Thanks for the help.
by MatthiasN
Sun Apr 14, 2013 9:52 pm
Forum: Graphics, Figures & Tables
Topic: Baseline of a chemical Structure
Replies: 4
Views: 7173

Re: Baseline of a chemical Structure

My mistake, it's isopropyl indeed. My question was if there's a way to move the baseline without rewriting the molecule. But nevermind, I'll just redo it.
by MatthiasN
Sat Apr 13, 2013 2:01 pm
Forum: Graphics, Figures & Tables
Topic: Baseline of a chemical Structure
Replies: 4
Views: 7173

Baseline of a chemical Structure

Hi everyone,

Recently I had some problems with captions that won't align when I use subfigure . I found out that this is because I am using pictures made with chemfig . The baseline is not where it is expected to be. So my question is: how can I move the baseline of the molecule to the bottom ...
by MatthiasN
Wed Mar 20, 2013 8:36 pm
Forum: Graphics, Figures & Tables
Topic: Lewis Diagram inside chemical Structure
Replies: 8
Views: 9844

Re: Lewis Diagram inside chemical Structure

Yes, that works. Thanks.
by MatthiasN
Wed Mar 20, 2013 8:04 pm
Forum: Graphics, Figures & Tables
Topic: Lewis Diagram inside chemical Structure
Replies: 8
Views: 9844

Re: Lewis Diagram inside chemical Structure

I know where to find the standard values, because that is where I also read that you can also restore the standard values by just leaving the arguments empty. But nevermind, I'll just put them in there.
by MatthiasN
Wed Mar 20, 2013 7:34 pm
Forum: Graphics, Figures & Tables
Topic: Lewis Diagram inside chemical Structure
Replies: 8
Views: 9844

Lewis Diagram inside chemical Structure

I found out which command triggers the error. Before I tried this example I was trying out some setting with \setlewis[]{}{}{} . Afterwards, I used this command with all fields empty to restore to default settings.

\usepackage{chemfig ...
by MatthiasN
Wed Mar 20, 2013 12:58 pm
Forum: Graphics, Figures & Tables
Topic: Lewis Diagram inside chemical Structure
Replies: 8
Views: 9844

Lewis Diagram inside chemical Structure

I appologize, I realize that I make a habbit of forgetting stuff in my minimal example. I've tried your the example on it self and it worked.


\chemfig{H-\chemabove{\lewis{5|7,O}}{\quad\scriptstyle +}(-[2]H)-H}

Strange ...