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by osbacan
Mon Feb 02, 2009 12:40 pm
Forum: Page Layout
Topic: Fancyhdr Header with images
Replies: 3
Views: 32181

Re: Fancyhdr Header with images

Sorry for the reply but I have tried to use rhead with images but only appears a part of the image. Can anyone help only a bit telling me the code I know thar it is not so difficult but I can´t find the solution...and I´m going crazy.

Thanks in advance¡¡¡¡
by osbacan
Sat Jan 31, 2009 11:36 pm
Forum: Page Layout
Topic: Fancyhdr Header with images
Replies: 3
Views: 32181

Fancyhdr Header with images

Hi all,

I want to make a document with a header using Fancyhdr in latex.

I want to insert two images one in the left of the header the other on the right.

Both images have the same size imagine (2 cm high 3 long).

The middle of the header would be a text. I want to create the header color black ...