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by Pepe93
Sun May 13, 2007 11:30 am
Forum: General
Topic: hyperref creates also annoying links to acronyms
Replies: 0
Views: 6071

hyperref creates also annoying links to acronyms

Hi to all,

I am finishing the format stuff of my Ph.D. thesis which I have to deposit tomorrow.

Unfortunately, I am experiencing some problems:

a) in order to get hyperlinks for the content and the figures in the final PDF, I am compiling:
->DVI -> PS -> PDF using Latex, dvips, and ps2pdf ...
by Pepe93
Wed Apr 18, 2007 9:10 pm
Forum: General
Topic: What is the purpose of Find 1, Find 2 and Parse Tabs in Outp
Replies: 15
Views: 13225

Re: What is the purpose of Find 1, Find 2 and Parse Tabs in Outp

This seems to be a never ending story. I just quotet some other content files out, to test whether the page size is corrected and after placing them back in again. It was still not working.
I also tried re-installing TeXnicCenter, but now I have to re-define the profiles.
What should be the commands ...
by Pepe93
Wed Apr 18, 2007 8:30 pm
Forum: General
Topic: What is the purpose of Find 1, Find 2 and Parse Tabs in Outp
Replies: 15
Views: 13225

Re: What is the purpose of Find 1, Find 2 and Parse Tabs in Outp

Ok, I also tried in taking out the last content (just to see whether the problem was in the text etc) but the page size problem remains. Could it be due to the "unmatched Document" in the parse window?
This problem still remains and I can only get rid of it by quoting out the "\end{document}" line ...
by Pepe93
Wed Apr 18, 2007 8:04 pm
Forum: General
Topic: What is the purpose of Find 1, Find 2 and Parse Tabs in Outp
Replies: 15
Views: 13225

Re: What is the purpose of Find 1, Find 2 and Parse Tabs in Outp

ok, after updating, re-installing the MikTex, I can create PDFs, but I still have the page size problem :(
by Pepe93
Wed Apr 18, 2007 7:47 pm
Forum: General
Topic: What is the purpose of Find 1, Find 2 and Parse Tabs in Outp
Replies: 15
Views: 13225

Re: What is the purpose of Find 1, Find 2 and Parse Tabs in Outp

And also with the correct page size 8O

[just kidding] well, then I may send you the content and you can finish writing my thesis ha ha ha[/just kidding]

ok, seriously, I will check for any possible mistakes. And I am also updating and re-installing the Miktex.
by Pepe93
Wed Apr 18, 2007 7:38 pm
Forum: General
Topic: What is the purpose of Find 1, Find 2 and Parse Tabs in Outp
Replies: 15
Views: 13225

Re: What is the purpose of Find 1, Find 2 and Parse Tabs in Outp

ok, thanks (again). You could also generate the PDF without problems?

I will check the document, but there were no errors for any braces or similar.
And the error persists even if I remove the part I wrote today?!?
by Pepe93
Wed Apr 18, 2007 7:17 pm
Forum: General
Topic: TXNC changes page size
Replies: 7
Views: 5993

TXNC changes page size

ok, for the page size there is no error message, it just generates A4 pages instead of the desired 170x240, which was working fine before! Problems started this morning :(

Attached you find a screen shot for the error message when I try to generate the PDF.

by Pepe93
Wed Apr 18, 2007 7:12 pm
Forum: General
Topic: What is the purpose of Find 1, Find 2 and Parse Tabs in Outp
Replies: 15
Views: 13225

Re: What is the purpose of Find 1, Find 2 and Parse Tabs in Outp

I attach you directly the whol file as it is very long.
Note: I have not created this file by my own. In fact, I am still very new on this, but this was the fastest way to get a nice document.

Thanks in advance!
by Pepe93
Wed Apr 18, 2007 6:58 pm
Forum: General
Topic: What is the purpose of Find 1, Find 2 and Parse Tabs in Outp
Replies: 15
Views: 13225

Re: What is the purpose of Find 1, Find 2 and Parse Tabs in Outp

Yes! It is, in fact.
I can also use just \frontmatter, \mainmatter and \backmatter, but I still have the problem with the unmatched document. :(
The documentclass I am using is a kind of a template from a colleague which includes those thesis styles.
At this moment I have some more serious problems ...
by Pepe93
Wed Apr 18, 2007 5:43 pm
Forum: General
Topic: What is the purpose of Find 1, Find 2 and Parse Tabs in Outp
Replies: 15
Views: 13225

What is the purpose of Find 1, Find 2 and Parse Tabs in Outp

Hi roman,

I just red your answer and have a further question regarding this. Why do I have the error message "Found unmatched backmatter" and "Found unmatched document", although I have set the "\end{...}" parameter???

Here is my structure:

\usepackage ...