Hi Stefan,
Could you please give a hint how the otf fonts Warnock Pro and Swiss721 Hv Bt can be invoked, now that WinEdt would compile in XeLaTeX? I asked a question regarding those fonts in LaTeX >> General but probably I'd find the answer here learning that WinEdt can in fact compile a XeLaTeX ...
Search found 2 matches
- Wed Sep 24, 2008 2:26 am
- Forum: WinEdt
- Topic: Configure Winedt to use XeLatex
- Replies: 3
- Views: 10556
- Mon Sep 22, 2008 6:20 pm
- Forum: General
- Topic: Setting up Warnock Pro and Swiss721 Hv Bt fonts
- Replies: 0
- Views: 1560
Setting up Warnock Pro and Swiss721 Hv Bt fonts
Hi All,
I'm trying to change fonts to Warnock Pro and Swiss721 Hv Bt using
Unfortunately, I don't know what the CodelineFont name is. For Helvetica 9pt, for instance, it is helvline while for Times it is ...
I'm trying to change fonts to Warnock Pro and Swiss721 Hv Bt using
Unfortunately, I don't know what the CodelineFont name is. For Helvetica 9pt, for instance, it is helvline while for Times it is ...