Search found 2 matches

by XaTaL
Wed Sep 24, 2008 2:26 am
Forum: WinEdt
Topic: Configure Winedt to use XeLatex
Replies: 3
Views: 10556

Re: Configure Winedt to use XeLatex

Hi Stefan,

Could you please give a hint how the otf fonts Warnock Pro and Swiss721 Hv Bt can be invoked, now that WinEdt would compile in XeLaTeX? I asked a question regarding those fonts in LaTeX >> General but probably I'd find the answer here learning that WinEdt can in fact compile a XeLaTeX ...
by XaTaL
Mon Sep 22, 2008 6:20 pm
Forum: General
Topic: Setting up Warnock Pro and Swiss721 Hv Bt fonts
Replies: 0
Views: 1560

Setting up Warnock Pro and Swiss721 Hv Bt fonts

Hi All,

I'm trying to change fonts to Warnock Pro and Swiss721 Hv Bt using


Unfortunately, I don't know what the CodelineFont name is. For Helvetica 9pt, for instance, it is helvline while for Times it is ...