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by Onor
Wed Aug 10, 2011 8:56 am
Forum: Text Formatting
Topic: Tabulation for more then 1 line
Replies: 3
Views: 2439

Tabulation for more then 1 line

I got the same problem

I have a line which is too big to be in the line. can't latex pass to a new line automaticly?

Code: Select all

first\= ligne
\> second line is tooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo big to be in one line
by Onor
Tue Aug 09, 2011 6:31 pm
Forum: Text Formatting
Topic: Tabulation for more then 1 line
Replies: 3
Views: 2439

Tabulation for more then 1 line


I wont to make a tabulation for some text but I got some problem when it's taking more then 1 line.

In that case I'm making the line by my own and it's not a very good

I'm using \tabbing

Is there another way to do so£?

thank you
by Onor
Thu Aug 04, 2011 5:38 pm
Forum: Text Formatting
Topic: Put a point in front of text
Replies: 9
Views: 4002

Re: Put a point in front of text

Thank you a lot
by Onor
Thu Aug 04, 2011 5:04 pm
Forum: Text Formatting
Topic: Put a point in front of text
Replies: 9
Views: 4002

Put a point in front of text

Do you mean the line break? Just make the 2cm wider, such as m{3cm}.

Yes, So I should calculate the number of words in the text?
Isn't there easier way ?
by Onor
Thu Aug 04, 2011 4:48 pm
Forum: Text Formatting
Topic: make a tabulation and put test betxeen ""
Replies: 5
Views: 3183

Re: make a tabulation and put test betxeen ""

how can I have a text like this?


tab {point} text
by Onor
Thu Aug 04, 2011 4:21 pm
Forum: Text Formatting
Topic: make a tabulation and put test betxeen ""
Replies: 5
Views: 3183

make a tabulation and put test betxeen ""

How can I do a tabulation of a item?

this isn't working

Code: Select all

\> \item  text
by Onor
Thu Aug 04, 2011 4:09 pm
Forum: Text Formatting
Topic: Put a point in front of text
Replies: 9
Views: 4002

Put a point in front of text

I got something strange when I have more then 1 word

\item text text
\end{itemize} &
\end ...
by Onor
Thu Aug 04, 2011 2:53 pm
Forum: Text Formatting
Topic: Put a point in front of text
Replies: 9
Views: 4002

Re: Put a point in front of text

how can I do the same in this example?

\item text
\end{itemize} &
by Onor
Thu Aug 04, 2011 1:56 pm
Forum: Text Formatting
Topic: make a tabulation and put test betxeen ""
Replies: 5
Views: 3183

make a tabulation and put test betxeen ""


How can I put text between "" and make tabulation?

thank you

by Onor
Thu Aug 04, 2011 1:54 pm
Forum: Text Formatting
Topic: Put a point in front of text
Replies: 9
Views: 4002

Re: Put a point in front of text

Thanke you