The documentation for the package pst-solides3d indicates that some additional colors can be used:
The following colours are known by PSTricks, when the option svgnames is given. These ones are not identified by the file we can use them directly with the option fcol.
These colours are ...
Search found 21 matches
- Fri Mar 25, 2016 2:05 am
- Forum: Graphics, Figures & Tables
- Topic: Using svgnames with pst-solides3d
- Replies: 1
- Views: 2631
- Mon Feb 01, 2016 12:43 am
- Forum: Graphics, Figures & Tables
- Topic: Tikz Manual or Book?
- Replies: 2
- Views: 3632
Tikz Manual or Book?
Is there somewhere I can get a print edition of the pgf/tikz manual or a comprehensive book about tikz? I couldn't find anything on Amazon or ebay.
- Sun Jan 03, 2016 8:11 am
- Forum: Document Classes
- Topic: Formatting Answers to Multiple-Choice Questions
- Replies: 1
- Views: 5197
Formatting Answers to Multiple-Choice Questions
Is there a package with which I can label answer options to multiple-choice questions with numbers (rather than letters) and have a variable number of answer choices for each question?
So far, I've looked at exam, examdesign, exsheets, exams, qcm, and exam-n, and all of them lack one or both of ...
So far, I've looked at exam, examdesign, exsheets, exams, qcm, and exam-n, and all of them lack one or both of ...
- Sun Dec 09, 2012 2:27 am
- Forum: Document Classes
- Topic: moderncv | Item Labels undefined
- Replies: 1
- Views: 2557
moderncv | Item Labels undefined
I'm processing with PDFLaTeX. I get an error saying \labelitemi is undefined when I use the moderncv document class. MWE:
\renewcommand{\labelitemi ...
\renewcommand{\labelitemi ...
- Mon Nov 26, 2012 1:34 am
- Forum: Document Classes
- Topic: moderncv | Formatting for Job Title
- Replies: 1
- Views: 4136
moderncv | Formatting for Job Title
I'm using the moderncv class to create my resume. The \title command is used to insert a job title. I want to use the job title "Programmer/Data Analyst," but I want the line break to be
Data Analyst
instead of the ugly
Programmer/Data Ana-
I'm getting now. Is there some way ...
Data Analyst
instead of the ugly
Programmer/Data Ana-
I'm getting now. Is there some way ...
- Wed Apr 11, 2012 11:55 pm
- Forum: Math & Science
- Topic: Exponent Sits Above Overbrace
- Replies: 1
- Views: 1945
Exponent Sits Above Overbrace
Ok, I fixed the exponent positioning by adding braces around overbrace and putting the exponent outside the braces:
\[ h(r)=\left[\frac{\widetilde{S}(r){\overbrace{h(r)}}^{\gamma/\beta}}{L_{t} (r)}+\frac{(\alpha K)^{\gamma}}{L_{t} (r)(\rho_{t}+\delta+\delta g-g)} \right]^{\frac{\beta}{\beta+\gamma ...
\[ h(r)=\left[\frac{\widetilde{S}(r){\overbrace{h(r)}}^{\gamma/\beta}}{L_{t} (r)}+\frac{(\alpha K)^{\gamma}}{L_{t} (r)(\rho_{t}+\delta+\delta g-g)} \right]^{\frac{\beta}{\beta+\gamma ...
- Wed Apr 11, 2012 10:00 pm
- Forum: Math & Science
- Topic: Exponent Sits Above Overbrace
- Replies: 1
- Views: 1945
Exponent Sits Above Overbrace
The fraction gamma/beta is showing up on top of the overbrace instead of off to the right. Also, is there a way to make the overbrace smaller?
\[ h(r)=\left[\frac{\widetilde{S}(r)\overbrace{h(r)}^{\gamma/ \beta}}{L_{t} (r)}+\frac{(\alpha K ...
\[ h(r)=\left[\frac{\widetilde{S}(r)\overbrace{h(r)}^{\gamma/ \beta}}{L_{t} (r)}+\frac{(\alpha K ...
- Wed Apr 04, 2012 10:09 pm
- Forum: Kile
- Topic: Environment Autocomplete
- Replies: 2
- Views: 4936
Environment Autocomplete
I tried that, but there is no mention. I just found it in Options -> Configure Kile -> LaTeX -> General -> Math mode.localghost wrote:What about just looking at the options to configure Kile or at the Kile Handbook (by pressing F1)?
- Wed Apr 04, 2012 10:02 pm
- Forum: Kile
- Topic: Environment Autocomplete
- Replies: 2
- Views: 4936
Environment Autocomplete
How can I get Kile to stop autocompleting my environments? When I type $, I get $$, which I do not want.
I unchecked "Automatically complete \begin{env} with \end{env}" in Configure Kile -> Environments, but that did not work.
I unchecked "Automatically complete \begin{env} with \end{env}" in Configure Kile -> Environments, but that did not work.
- Wed Apr 04, 2012 7:27 pm
- Forum: General
- Topic: Strange Compilation Errors
- Replies: 8
- Views: 5226
Re: Strange Compilation Errors
How do I get the equation numbering to resume the normal pattern?