BibTeX isn't working; my \cite are showing up as question marks (?)

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BibTeX isn't working; my \cite are showing up as question marks (?)

by kaiserkarl13 » Sat Mar 18, 2023 5:29 am

BibTeX isn't working; my \cite are showing up as question marks (?)

by MABDALSALAM90 » Fri Jan 06, 2023 4:19 am

I use the peer-reviewed J computer latex format, which used chicago-authordate bibliography style and am facing the following issues:

BibTeX isn't working well; my \cite are showing up as question marks (?) Even though I am certain that its in my bib file. Moreover, when the number of references in the main.tex file is less than 100, everything works normally, when I increase the number of references in my latex main.tex, the \bibliography style changed to a number and some of the references did not appear. 
