How can I put two images next to each other?

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How can I put two images next to each other?

by Stefan Kottwitz » Mon Oct 18, 2021 6:45 pm

I prefer using the subcaption package, since it's the perfect companion to the excellent caption package by the same author.

Here is a quick example:

Code: Select all

  \subcaptionbox*{First subfigure}[.45\linewidth]{%
  \subcaptionbox*{Second subfigure}[.45\linewidth]{%
  \caption{Two images}
This gives us:
subfigures.png (19.92 KiB) Viewed 271684 times
There are further examples in the LaTeX Cookbook, Chapter 4, Working with Images.


How can I put two images next to each other?

by Reader » Thu Oct 07, 2021 1:15 pm

In Chapter 6, Inserting images, in the section Arranging several images, I see that there are several packages for placing images next to each other or above each other.

Which one of the mentioned packages shall I choose?

Can you show an simple code example?
