Using \inparaitem with customized numbering

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Using \inparaitem with customized numbering

by mukizaenos » Fri May 19, 2023 5:30 pm

Thank you. I will check if it works for inline list.

Using \inparaitem with customized numbering

by Stefan Kottwitz » Fri May 12, 2023 5:21 pm


welcome to the forum!

Sorry for my late answer, somehow the notifications for this forum were turned off.

For the numbered lists you need to load the enumitem package, so that would work:

Code: Select all

            \node[shape=circle,fill=black!20,draw,inner sep=2pt] (char) {#1};}}
inparaenum and paralist would be different, let me know if this is still needed.


Using \inparaitem with customized numbering

by mukizaenos » Mon Mar 20, 2023 3:45 am

Hello members,

I have created the following style for labelling my list items.

Code: Select all

            \node[shape=circle,fill=black!20,draw,inner sep=2pt] (char) {#1};}}

When I create my inparaitem list, and try to call the label as I do for \enumerate, it is not working.

\item First item,
\item Second item
I will appreciate if anyone can help me to know how to use this.

This is the complete code:

Code: Select all


\item Step one
\item Step two
\item Step three

\item Step one
\item Step two
\item Step three

\item First item,
\item Second item

Thank you.
