I am using the nomencl package to create a Glossary for my document. Most of my glossary is fine, however for one entry which is two word the layout is not optimal. I should not that the layout is also in 2 columns.
For example:
\nomenclature{GPU}{Graphics processing unit}
\nomenclature{CPU}{Central processing unit}
\nomenclature{Bigger Label}{A description that is kind of long as it take 4 lines in a 2 column layout}
This will create something like this
Code: Select all
GPU Graphics processing unit.CPU Central processing unit.Bigger Label A description that is kindof long as it take 4 lines in a2 column layout.
Code: Select all
GPU Graphics processing unit.CPU Central processing unit.Bigger A description that is kind ofLabel long as it take 4 lines in a 2column layout.